[CentOS] Off-Topic: Travel Router and Firewall

Wed Nov 23 22:40:42 UTC 2016
John R Pierce <pierce at hogranch.com>

On 11/23/2016 2:24 PM, Leon Fauster wrote:
> DIY based onhttp://www.pcengines.ch/  hardware ...

the APU2, which is their current generation board suitable for a router 
like this, requires 12VDC up to 1 amp, so tis not suitable for USB power 
(5V, up to 2.5 amp) unless you rig up a USB to 12V DC-DC converter.

I do wonder how the OP plans on connecting his phone and/or tablet via 
ethernet to this.   if the hotel internet is wifi, and he wants his own 
private wifi for said phone/tablet, the router would need TWO wifi adapters.

john r pierce, recycling bits in santa cruz