[CentOS] Hint for nslookup wanted ...

Tue Oct 11 13:44:45 UTC 2016
Walter H. <walter.h at mathemainzel.info>

On Tue, October 11, 2016 15:27, Anand Buddhdev wrote:

> This is bad advice, because in DNS, ANY != ALL
> If you query with qtype=any, and you ask a caching resolver, then it
> will return to you all the records that are in its cache at that time,
> which may or may not include the records you want.
> In order to definitively get the A as well as the AAAA records, one
> needs to ask for them specifically:
> nslookup -type=AAAA www.example.com
> nslookup -type=A www.example.com
> This makes a cache explicitly look up those types of records if it
> doesn't already have them.
Thanks this brings light in the dark ...
