[CentOS] CentOS 7/GNOME 3 customise top panel

Fri Oct 14 17:20:54 UTC 2016
Tris Hoar <trishoar at bgfl.org>

On 14/10/2016 15:45, Toralf Lund wrote:
> On 14/10/16 16:23, Tris Hoar wrote:
>> On 14/10/2016 13:39, Toralf Lund wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Is there any way to customise the top panel in CentOS 7 with GNOME 3
>>> (which I recently tried for the first time)? Specifically, I want to add
>>> "application launchers", as it will make start-up faster than the
>>> standard alternatives. (Because you can move the mouse directly to the
>>> right place - you don't have to carry out another action, wait for icons
>>> or menu items to pop up, look for the right one etc first.)
>>> People on the web talk about a "context" menu that opens if you use some
>>> kind of weird combination of right mouse-click and Alt, Windows key,
>>> Ctrl, left click, Alt Gr or whatever, but there seems to be no way to
>>> make that happen on CentOS.
>>> I found an answer of sorts in
>>> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.centos.org_forums_viewtopic.php-3Ft-3D47957&d=CwICAg&c=KV_I7O14pmwRcmAVyJ1eg4Jwb8Y2JAxuL5YgMGHpjcQ&r=Q0oqxzgUp3xCCIiJDwS-RbNDndQ-KZDhj8wwveNoqU4&m=BxVT4fC5-ld_lFoIcV_OwlpkAWG-qCjrKVYMcYoQGzc&s=bnrSG3ad2veUCGecX3vTMEbjyXprqn1AGP1ok0TmLVc&e=
>>> -
>>>> In straight Gnome Shell -- CentOS 7 defaults to a modified version
>>>> using extensions -- the panel *is* locked. Visit extensions.gnome.org
>>>> to see if something there is useful.
>>> - but I don't think I quite understand it. I mean, the ability to add
>>> extensions is nice, but if the panel is locked, isn't an "unlock"
>>> function what I should be looking for? This doesn't quite sound like an
>>> "extension". Or is the actual menu everyone talks about itself an
>>> extension? If that's the case, surely isn't there some other way to make
>>> the changes? If the standard panel allows stuff to be added, there must
>>> be a standard way to do it, right?
>>> Also, if I do need extensions, I'd prefer to install it via the package
>>> manager system rather than through a special web interface...
>>> Does anyone know more about this? Any help would be appreciated. -
>>> Except, that is, I don't really need anyone to suggest switching to MAME
>>> or some other alternative desktop. I might end up doing just that, but
>>> it really bugs me that I can't get functionality that's supposed to be
>>> there to work...
>>> - Toralf
>> Hi Toralf,
>> Have a look at
>> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__extensions.gnome.org_&d=CwICAg&c=KV_I7O14pmwRcmAVyJ1eg4Jwb8Y2JAxuL5YgMGHpjcQ&r=Q0oqxzgUp3xCCIiJDwS-RbNDndQ-KZDhj8wwveNoqU4&m=BxVT4fC5-ld_lFoIcV_OwlpkAWG-qCjrKVYMcYoQGzc&s=KEcKgPQYo6TSlJrKF4krI90szNC5QTVlVnIsUDdWsWU&e=
>> specificity
>> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__extensions.gnome.org_extension_6_applications-2Dmenu_&d=CwICAg&c=KV_I7O14pmwRcmAVyJ1eg4Jwb8Y2JAxuL5YgMGHpjcQ&r=Q0oqxzgUp3xCCIiJDwS-RbNDndQ-KZDhj8wwveNoqU4&m=BxVT4fC5-ld_lFoIcV_OwlpkAWG-qCjrKVYMcYoQGzc&s=hudrg7rSGBGWTdezYPyROGgrIzPhhPRxs5YYgH2dmDg&e=
> Maybe I should have been a bit more specific; I don't want launchers in
> a menu accessed from the panel - I want the icons to appear directly in
> the panel itself.

Ok, I think I understand now. Does this not work?

>> also look at Gnome Tweak Tool which lets you make some other changes
>> to how Gnome 3 works.
> I tried this earlier, but didn't find any setting related to what I want.
>> That application Menu I believe will work on C7 (I'm using F24 as my
>> desktop)
> The menu is actually there already - the relevant extension seems to be
> pre-installed.
> In the Fedora version, what happens if you press Alt and right-click on
> the panel? If the answer is "nothing", how about
> "Windows"+Alt+right-click or Ctrl+Alt+right-click?

Those do nothing for me either.

> - Toralf
>> Tris

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