[CentOS] photos on iPhone 6

Thu Oct 20 21:38:04 UTC 2016
Leon Fauster <leonfauster at googlemail.com>

Am 20.10.2016 um 21:56 schrieb J Martin Rushton <martinrushton56 at btinternet.com>:
> A bit of a perennial I'm afraid.  My wife has filled up her iPhone 6
> with photos, and wants them moved onto my computer.  I'm running CentOS
> 7 patched about 30 minutes ago.  Needless to say the computer can't see
> the data on the iPhone, though it does recognise the phone as an iPhone.

Its some time ago but I haven't any problems connecting an iPhone 4S via USB 
cable to a CentOS5 workstation. While using gthumb (gnome2) its important to
unlock the phone (pin) ... not sure what the equivalent for gthumb in gnome3 is.
