[CentOS] odd sendmail question

Fri Oct 28 02:15:21 UTC 2016
Fred Smith <fredex at fcshome.stoneham.ma.us>

I've looked thru all the stuff at sendmail.org (or whatever its name
is now, they seem to have gone corporate...) and don't see anything
relating to this:

I get a series of log entries in /var/log/maillog, once or twice a day
at various times--not 12 or 24 hours apart. not always the identical
series either. here's the latest one:

Oct 27 21:28:55 fcshome sendmail[7939]: starting daemon (8.14.7): SMTP+queueing at 01:00:00
Oct 27 21:28:56 fcshome sendmail[7980]: starting daemon (8.14.7): SMTP+queueing at 01:00:00
Oct 27 21:28:56 fcshome sm-msp-queue[7992]: starting daemon (8.14.7): queueing at 01:00:00
Oct 27 21:29:19 fcshome sendmail[8054]: starting daemon (8.14.7): SMTP+queueing at 01:00:00
Oct 27 21:29:19 fcshome sm-msp-queue[8093]: starting daemon (8.14.7): queueing at 01:00:00
Oct 27 21:29:19 fcshome sendmail[8095]: starting daemon (8.14.7): SMTP+queueing at 01:00:00

Anyone have a clue what this is all about? and why so many?

---- Fred Smith -- fredex at fcshome.stoneham.ma.us -----------------------------
               Show me your ways, O LORD, teach me your paths;
                     Guide me in your truth and teach me,
                         for you are God my Savior,
                    And my hope is in you all day long.
-------------------------- Psalm 25:4-5 (NIV) --------------------------------