[CentOS] CM8828 sound chip ??

Alice Wonder

alice at domblogger.net
Tue Sep 20 17:37:12 UTC 2016

Need a PCI-E sound card with low profile bracket, optical out, and one 
of those mini-din connectors that fans out into various analog connectors.

Only card I have been able to find so far uses a CM8828 chipset.

Looks like that chipset is natively supported by the kernel alsa driver 
starting in 3.17 kernel but CentOS 7 uses 3.10 kernel.

I did not see a package that was obviously for that chipset in elrepo.

Has that driver been backported into the RHEL/CentOS 7 kernel, and if 
not, is it in elrepo?

Worst case scenario I suppose it may be possible to port the driver like 
many of the elrepo drivers have been, but not sure I want to buy 
hardware based on a "may be possible"

Thanks for any comments.

Sent my from my laptop, may not be able to respond timely

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