[CentOS] HTTPS certificates (off topic)

Alice Wonder

alice at domblogger.net
Thu Sep 29 03:39:51 UTC 2016

On 09/28/2016 05:46 PM, Jerry Geis wrote:
> How do I get a valid certificate for a box that is behind a firewall and
> does not have a DNS entry?
> I was looking at letsencrypt.org but currently it looks like a valid DNS
> entry is needed, of which I don't have.
> There is nothing special about my setup, its just a box that is not
> directly on the internet, no DNS entry but I need HTTPS to run correctly.
> How do I generate a trusted certificate base on IP or something?
> How can I do that? Thanks,
> Jerry

You create a self-signed certificate.

The first time a browser connects, it will give the user a warning. You 
can suppress that warning when connecting with scripts - either by 
globally accepting any self-signed certificate or by setting up your own 
CA that the script tools are scripted to trust.

I believe self-signed work with either IP or with a hostname on your 
local network.

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