On 09/04/17 14:39, Anthony K wrote: > > So, at which stage are you in w/ regards to adopting systemd? Are you > still ridiculing it, violently opposed to it, or have you mellowed to it? Thanks for all those that responded. systemd still appears to be a sore topic. systemd is still coping a whole lot of ridicule but not so violent opposition. Can't say I understand why, but you can't please all of the people all of the time! Quick comments to some issues identified in the conversation: ============================================================= There are several responses siting poor documentation but I can't fault the documentation; there's plenty of it and the man pages are quite well structured - man -k --names-only systemd Also, there's a lot of people moving to FreeBSD - but it appears that the grass isn't greener there either as they are now trialling OpenRC. One issue I resolved quickly after installing CentOS 7 was to revert to ethx for interface names and to install iptables and remove firewalld. The other occassional issue I have is where restarting services takes a seriously long time and I've discovered that restarting `systemd-logind.service, dbus.service, and polkit.service resolves this, albeit for a short period before it crops up again *[0]*. In closing: ########### There are conspiracy theories out there that the NSA is involved with bringing systemd to Linux so they can have easy access to *"unknown"* bugs - aka backdoors - to all Linux installations using systemd *[1]*. I guess anything goes now that Edward Snowden has educated us all - for better or worse. Thanks again to all respondents - I quite enjoyed the read - I did read all responses. Regards, ak. *[0]* - https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/2925 *[1]* - https://www.google.com.au/search?complete=0&hl=en&site=webhp&source=hp&q=nsa+and+systemd