On 04/22/2017 11:24 AM, Rainer Duffner wrote: > Obviously, the system is designed for this - but why is nobody doing this for Linux? The time commitment necessary to keep up with the sometimes dramatic changes in the typical Linux distribution is very large; I would guess that's the reason it's not typically done. The LinuxTech EL6 libc5 is only possible because Mandriva 2011 contained it. I've not tested that piece yet, but plan to a bit later. > I just looked it up: > FreeBSD 4.0 was released over 17 years ago, around the same time as RHL 6.2… > Yep, and the binaries I have are older than that. The particular setup being used actually dates from 1997, almost exactly 20 years ago. The version was upgraded a few times afterwards; the timestamps on the original distribution archive for the glibc 2.1 version are all from May 12, 1999, but the original version was from fall of 1996. I'm glad I held those two tarballs back all these years. In any case, CentOS 2.1 plus the RHL 6.2 compat-glibc-2.1 packages have the system back up and running. and running fast. The host is CentOS 7.3.1611 using bridged networking for KVM. So far it's running well.