[CentOS] Light-weight window manager, recommendations

Fri Aug 4 22:02:55 UTC 2017
Scott Robbins <scottro11 at gmail.com>

On Fri, Aug 04, 2017 at 05:32:39PM -0400, m.roth at 5-cent.us wrote:
> So, I've mentioned that I've got an original netbook, circa 2009, and I'm
> going to put CentOS on it. 32 bit. Not huge disk, old Atom processor, not
> tons of memory. Any recommendations for a light-weight window manager?
> Before I went to KDE, I used fvwm2, and all I'm going to do is use it to
> read webmail and browse, read news, etc, so I don't need a lot.

The dwm manager is one of the lightest ones around.
I have a page on it with links to better pages.


Scott Robbins
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