[CentOS] Btrfs going forward, was: Errors on an SSD drive

Fri Aug 11 17:17:04 UTC 2017
Mark Haney <mark.haney at neonova.net>

On Fri, Aug 11, 2017 at 1:00 PM, Chris Murphy <lists at colorremedies.com>

> Changing the subject since this is rather Btrfs specific now.
> >>
> >> Sounds like a hardware problem. Btrfs is explicitly optimized for SSD,
> the
> >> maintainers worked for FusionIO for several years of its development. If
> >> the drive is silently corrupting data, Btrfs will pretty much
> immediately
> >> start complaining where other filesystems will continue. Bad RAM can
> also
> >> result in scary warnings where you don't with other filesytems. And I've
> >> been using it in numerous SSDs for years and NVMe for a year with zero
> >> problems.
> >
> >
> LMFAO. Trust me, I tried several SSDs with BTRFS over the last couple of
> years and had trouble the entire time. I constantly had to scrub the drive,
> had freezes under moderate load and general nastiness.  If that's
> 'optimized for SSDs', then something is very wrong with the definition of
> optimized.  Not to mention the fact that BTRFS is not production ready for
> anything, and I'm done trying to use it and going with XFS or EXT4
> depending on my need.

As for a hardware problem, the drives were ones purchased in Lenovo
professional workstation laptops, and, while you do get lemons
occasionally, I tried 4 different ones of the exact same model and had the
exact same issues.  Its highly unlikely I'd get 4 of the same brand to have
hardware issues.  Once I went back to ext4 on those systems I could run the
devil out of them and not see any freezes under even heavy load, nor any
other hardware related items.  In fact, the one I used at my last job was
given to me on my way out and it's now being used by my daughter. It's been
upgraded from Fedora 23 to 26 without a hitch.  On ext4.  Say what you
want, BTRFS is a very bad filesystem in my experience.

> --
> Chris Murphy
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Mark Haney
Network Engineer at NeoNova
919-460-3330 <(919)%20460-3330> (opt 1) • mark.haney at neonova.net
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