[CentOS] E-invoicing to OpenPeppol with Oxalis on CentOS anyone ?

Thu Aug 10 08:01:10 UTC 2017
Paul Schoonderwoerd <paul at pollux-it.nl>

Hello list,

I'm desperately trying to get the latest Oxalis software
(https://github.com/difi/oxalis )
to run in Tomcat on CentOS 6.9 but I'm getting a obscure Java error. Something 
about a a method not found:


Has anyone succesfully implemented this on CentOS 6.x ?

Tomcat is running fine behind Apache. All software up to date.
Tried many things already, also install Oxalis from source but that fails with 
different problems.
I found that OSCP checking is default disabled in Java (true ?) and tried to 
enable it with by adding the commandline switches:
java -Dcom.sun.security.enableCRLDP=true \

but no luck

I filed a bug report on github, details about the exact error:

Any help appreciated.
