[CentOS] Firefox print to file fail silent & side notes of cms4all.

Sat Dec 2 16:21:50 UTC 2017
Lamar Owen <lowen at pari.edu>

On 11/06/2017 05:08 PM, Andreas Benzler wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> in time when i start to rebuilt my csm4all-media, I tryed to print into
> file from firefox. The print box close but no pdf is created.
While attempting to print to PDF today I ran into this same issue. It's 
SELinux throwing the error, and here is what setroubleshoot suggests:
"SELinux is preventing java from write access on the file 

*****  Plugin mozplugger (99.1 confidence) suggests ************************

If you want to use the plugin package
Then you must turn off SELinux controls on the Firefox plugins.
# setsebool -P unconfined_mozilla_plugin_transition 0

I made a physical print for now, as I'm going to investigate a bit 
before I blindly enable a boolean like that.

See also https://www.centos.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=48&t=63781 and 
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1430037 (CLOSED NOTABUG)

There are several mozilla-related SELinux booleans:
[lowen at dhcp-pool101 ~]$ getsebool -a|grep mozilla
mozilla_plugin_bind_unreserved_ports --> off
mozilla_plugin_can_network_connect --> off
mozilla_plugin_use_bluejeans --> off
mozilla_plugin_use_gps --> off
mozilla_plugin_use_spice --> off
mozilla_read_content --> off
unconfined_mozilla_plugin_transition --> on
[lowen at dhcp-pool101 ~]$