[CentOS] Wich web browser on CentOS6 ?

Fri Feb 10 13:01:21 UTC 2017
Leon Fauster <leonfauster at googlemail.com>

> Am 10.02.2017 um 12:26 schrieb Patrick Begou <Patrick.Begou at legi.grenoble-inp.fr>:
> I have more and more troubles using firefox in professional environment with CentOS6. The latest version is 45.7.0 But I can't use it anymore to access some old server hardware (IDRAC7 of DELL C6100) because of "/SSL_ERROR_WEAK_SERVER_CERT_KEY/".  I had to install an old Firefox32 version to administrate these servers.
> Today I upgrade the firmware of 2 DELL switch and now Firefox cannot connect to them anymore saying:
> /An error occurred during a connection to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx. The server rejected the handshake because the client downgraded to a lower TLS version than the server supports//
> /Is there a CentOS6 recommended web browser allowing continuous connections to olds and new base level (and local) system administration services ?

What says the current Firefox (version 45.7.0) while trying to connect to the upgraded IDRAC7's ?
