[CentOS] Serious attack vector on pkcheck ignored by Red Hat

Leonard den Ottolander leonard at den.ottolander.nl
Wed Feb 15 15:37:07 UTC 2017

Hello Warren,

On Thu, 2017-02-09 at 15:27 -0700, Warren Young wrote:
> So you’ve now sprayed the heap on this system, but you can’t upload
> anything else to it because noexec, so…now what?  What has our
> nefarious attacker gained?

So the heap is set with data provided by the (local) attacker who could
initialize it to his liking using either of the two memory leaks in the
options parsing.

The heap, that is entirely under the control of the attacker, now
contains a call to a library with parameters such that it invokes a zero
day kernel escalation privilege exploit. And now the exploit will run
because pkcheck allowed the attacker to initialize its entire heap via
the command line.

Had the two memory leaks in the pkcheck options parsing been fixed the
attacker should have looked for another path to leverage his zero day.

So the mere fact that an untrusted user is able to massage the heap of a
binary (pkcheck in this case) to run whatever code he wants is a serious
attack vector and thus those two memory leaks should be fixed. Because
they allow bad people to leverage attacks with much more ease.


mount -t life -o ro /dev/dna /genetic/research

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