[CentOS] SOLVED - Re: Centos 7 httpd Permission problems with Postfixadmin

Pete Biggs pete at biggs.org.uk
Fri Feb 17 22:16:04 UTC 2017

>  Changed it to:
> # cat /etc/httpd/conf.d/postfixadmin.conf
> alias /mailadmin /usr/share/postfixadmin
> <Directory "/usr/share/postfixadmin">
>          AllowOverride AuthConfig
> #        allow from all
>          Require all granted
> </Directory>

Yes, all directories need to have 'Require all granted' on them
somewhere - if you look in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf there is the
definition of the default document root and in that it has the Require
line - that is inherited by all subdirectories so you don't need to
explicitly state it.  But if you use a directory outside document root,
then you need to put it into the definition.

And again if you don't intend to use .htaccess files, then remove the
AllowOverride line.


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