[CentOS] Would this be considered a packaging bug?

Sat Feb 25 12:52:50 UTC 2017
Alice Wonder <alice at domblogger.net>


The source RPM there uses

%if 0%{?rhel}
# not upstreamed
Patch500: 0001-disable-libe-book-support.patch
Patch501: 0001-fix-build-of-bundled-libzmf-with-boost-1.56.patch
Patch502: 0001-allow-to-build-bundled-libzmf-on-aarch64.patch
Patch503: 0001-impl.-missing-function.patch

(and more than just those) resulting in those patches not being included 
in the src.rpm because the rpm was not built on rhel/centos.

My understanding was that platform specific patches were suppose to have 
the %if macro where the patch is applied, but should not be where the 
source for the patch is defined.

Been a long time since I was a fedora packager so I don't know what 
current packaging guidelines are, but that just seems wrong.

Is it wrong?