[CentOS] samba rpm deps - with yum downgrade = kind of a mayhem

Wed Jan 25 14:26:30 UTC 2017
Jonathan Billings <billings at negate.org>

On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 11:32:16AM +0000, lejeczek wrote:
> hi guys, gals
> do you see this:
> ~]$ yum downgrade samba
> Resolving Dependencies
> [...]
> --> Processing Dependency: libtevent.so.0(TEVENT_0.9.9) for package:
> samba-client-libs-4.4.4
> ..and process fails.
> chained are i686 arch? Is it only us(centos) or redhat's bugzilla should be
> notified.
> Samba downgrade used to work I remember.

Most likely there are dependencies that aren't available in your
current repos that are preventing the downgrade.  Perhaps its due to
the recent point release to 7.1611?

The packages installed with a 'yum downgrade' are unlikely to be
supported, so this is probably not really something that CentOS

Jonathan Billings <billings at negate.org>