[CentOS] samba rpm deps - with yum downgrade = kind of a mayhem

Thu Jan 26 14:44:53 UTC 2017
Jonathan Billings <billings at negate.org>

On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 11:44:06AM +0000, lejeczek wrote:
> but Centos should, right?
> Being able to downgrade can save you a day or a few. I know, for it did save
> mine several times, eg. buggy samba new update and downgrade fixed it, etc.
> We absolutely should be able to downgrade every rpm, if this is just a
> matter of an opinion(I'd fail to see any other reasons to not do it) then my
> vote goes obviously to - Centos/repos maintainers please make sure "yum
> downgrade" will always work.

If you maintain your own private yum repositories, you can certainly
downgrade to versions you provide yourself.  But being able to
downgrade to any arbitrary package using the CentOS repos would use up
considerable storage resources. The repo maintainers aren't psychic,
so they'd have to keep EVERY SINGLE RPM. Every mirror would have to
keep every RPM too.

This is why I have a testing infrastructure to test updates.

Jonathan Billings <billings at negate.org>