[CentOS] vfstp and renaiming of files with ftp client

Fri Jul 14 08:00:31 UTC 2017
James Pearson <james-p at moving-picture.com>

Götz Reinicke - IT Koordinator [goetz.reinicke at filmakademie.de]:
> the goal is, that the FTP server is a Dropbox for Alice, so she can
> upload files and folders and is not able to see the uploaded files
> (drwx-wx--- for the main older).
> Bob should be able to rename the files and folders by ftp. (and of
> course be able to download them.)
> If this is not possible with the standad permissions, I'm fine, in the
> past Users did not try to upload folders and others did not rename
> ...Than we look for an other workflow.

You might want to look at proftpd - it has its own configs for permissions/ownerships of uploaded files - which is over and above the OS permissions/ownerships

It's been a while since I used it - but I remember being able to do some 'funky stuff' in this regards ...

James Pearson