[CentOS] OpenVAS: confusion with 3rd party repos

Tue Jul 18 16:34:41 UTC 2017
Nicolas Kovacs <info at microlinux.fr>

Le 18/07/2017 à 17:42, Nicolas Kovacs a écrit :
> I'm reading through various HOWTOs and tutorials, and it seems like I'm
> stuck very early in my fiddling process.
> All the CentOS-based tutorials I've found mention a third-party Atomic
> repo, and here's how the installation usually begins.

It looks like there's a significant amount of bad OpenVAS tutorials
online, including one linked to by OpenVAS itself. The usual "you have
to disable your firewall and disable SELinux" stuff.

I'd be grateful for some solid and reliable information about OpenVAS.



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