[CentOS] TeX Live on CentOS 7

Sat Jul 22 14:45:59 UTC 2017
Alice Wonder <alice at domblogger.net>

On 07/21/2017 10:18 PM, Nicolas Kovacs wrote:
> Le 21/07/2017 à 23:14, Alice Wonder a écrit :
>> I always install official TeXLive in /usr/local/texlive - yum update
>> thanks me. Every few months I update it, but keeping it outside of RPM
>> means I don't get tons of individual packages, many that I never use,
>> constantly updating in yum.
> And how do you manage conflicts with packages? Do you blacklist them in
> Yum's repo configuration? And how about the stuff dependending on them?
> Install it manually using --nodeps?
> Niki

There aren't any conflicts. I did make the following file:

# /etc/profile.d/texlive.sh
#if [ ${UID} -gt 1000 ]; then
export PATH=/usr/local/texlive/2016/bin/x86_64-linux:$PATH

If a package on my system wants a CentOS texlive as dependency it gets 
it, there are texlive packages installed.

But users get the texlive in /usr/local/texlive

The directory /usr/local/texlive is owned by a user:group 
texlive:texlive and I log in as that user to run tlmgr to update the 

Sent my from my laptop, may not be able to respond timely