[CentOS] Rsync Error: Centos Mirror

Wed Jul 12 06:44:49 UTC 2017
Unsub Shafiq <unsub.shafiq at inaratech.com>


I have recently been receiving the following errors when using rsync to 
update my centos local repositories;

rsync: send_files failed to open "/7/atomic/x86_64/repo/tmp/tmp.HBjcIF" 
(in centos): Permission denied (13)
rsync: send_files failed to open "/7/atomic/x86_64/repo/tmp/tmp.SWIH0I" 
(in centos): Permission denied (13)

I have checked and the user that runs the rsync script has all 
permissions to read and write into the destination folder (centos). What 
may be the problem?

Any help is appreciated.

*Unsub Shafiq*

Inara Technologies (Pvt) Ltd.
Skype: ums.shafiq

Web: www.inaratech.com