Hi all! I'm trying to set up autofs on my C7 netbook so I can automount a cifs share (actually two) from my NAS box, and because when I'm not at home I don't want it attempting to mount it. so I've read several howtos on it, including the one on the CentOS Wiki. but what I've got isn't working right, and I don't know why. I'm trying to follow the "even-better method", but am finding I don't understand the syntax of entries, so I'm flailing around trying different things. so, here's what I have now: in /etc/auto.master: /mnt/syno-fredex /etc/auto.syno-fredex I added /etc/auto.syno-fredex: /mnt/syno-fredex -fstype=cifs,rw,credentials=/root/.smbcred,defaults,uid=fredex,gid=fredex,noauto,users,exec,vers=3.0 ://nasbox/home my goal is to mount //nasbox/home as /mnt/syno-fredex so I do systemctl restart autofs and it appears to restart (no messages appear). when I then do "ls /mnt/syno-fredex" it doesn't appear to actually get mounted, and /var/log/messages doesn't show anything. I'd appreciate advice on this matter. thanks in advance! Fred -- ---- Fred Smith -- fredex at fcshome.stoneham.ma.us ----------------------------- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. ------------------------------ Philippians 4:13 -------------------------------