On Wed, Mar 08, 2017 at 10:43:57AM +0000, Giles Coochey wrote: > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KISS_principle > > I'm not flaming NetworkManager, I'm just stating that for many (perhaps > most), it is over-engineered for a server orientated distribution. I can run > with the script above on 30 server instances, and it doesn't, as yet, break > any of the other features of Centos that I enjoy. If you'd like a really simple solution that avoids NetworkManager, I suggest using systemd-networkd (both systemd-networkd and systemd-resolved packages required). I've used it to set up a bridge on my workstattion for use with libvirtd/kvm, and it is just as simple a text file but future compatible. Heck, it probably even works on other distros that use systemd. Here's a super-simple static configuration: # cat /etc/systemd/network/10-static-eno1.network [Match] name=eno1 [Network] Address= Gateway= DNS= You need to make sure that /etc/resolv.conf is a symlink /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf if you want the systemd-resolved service to manage it. Just disable NetworkManager and network services and enable the systemd-networkd and systemd-resolved services. Honestly, I've found systemd-networkd very useful for the more complex networking on my workstation (bridged VMs to external network) but its also useful for my tiny VMs that don't need extra daemons running. -- Jonathan Billings <billings at negate.org>