[CentOS] tabs ignored in here document

Fri May 5 21:55:59 UTC 2017
Robert Moskowitz <rgm at htt-consult.com>


On 05/05/2017 05:11 PM, Robbert Eggermont wrote:
> It's certainly possible to include tabs in here documents, in shell 
> scripts it works as expected.
> However, when you input the here document on the command line in an 
> interactive shell, the moment you enter the tab it immediately 
> triggers Bash' programmable completion and the tab never reaches the 
> here document.
> To disable programmable completion (temporarily), run:
> bind 'set disable-completion on'
> To (re-)enable programmable completion, run:
> bind 'set disable-completion off'

This works just fine.  Adds to all the sections where I have blocks with 
here documents with tabs, but better to turn it off and on each time, 
that assume it is in the right state.

Again, thanks.

> Robbert
> On 05-05-17 20:16, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
>> I thought this worked.  Many web pages tell you it works.  But bash 
>> is ignoring tabs in my here docs. Worst, where there are two tabs, it 
>> is functioning as a command expand in bash, where all files in the 
>> current directory are listed to complete the command.
>> The following is the here doc I am using.  Most likely the tabs will 
>> be converted to spaces in this email.  But the bottom line is, that 
>> while processing all the double tables, all the files in the current 
>> directory get listed, and the resultant file is all flush left, as if 
>> I had used the +EOF option:
>> Thing is, I thought I tested this previously, so it is possible that 
>> there is now something wrong in my environment causing the problem?
>> cat <<EOF>00-init.conf || exit 1
>> ServerAdmin $admin_email
>> ServerName $your_host_tld
>> <VirtualHost *:80>
>>      <Directory "/var/www/html">
>>          Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
>>          AllowOverride None
>>          Require all grantedve sh
>>      </Directory>
>> </VirtualHost>
>> <VirtualHost *:443>
>>      SSLEngine On
>>      SSLCertificateFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/$your_host_tld.crt
>>      SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/pki/tls/private/$your_host_tld.key
>>      <Directory "/var/www/html">
>>          Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
>>          AllowOverride None
>>          Require all granted
>>      </Directory>
>> </VirtualHost>
>> EOF
>> thanks
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