[CentOS] Admins supporting both RHEL and CentOS

Tue Nov 28 17:00:39 UTC 2017
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

On 11/28/2017 10:20 AM, m.roth at 5-cent.us wrote:
> Joseph L. Casale wrote:
>> With a few exceptions, I see most admins treat CentOS as a single
>> rolling release and rely on the ABI commitment assuming things
>> just work between point releases. On the other hand I see the
>> opposite with RHEL where admins constrain installations to the
>> point release.
>> What is the case with users on this list who support both?
> Only time we use CR is on *some* servers during the upgrade to a new
> subrelease. Otherwise, nope.

When I was a sysadmin for a living, I used CR in my test/staging area to
see if everything worked.  After I worked out all the kinks, I then
either used CR on my production servers and/or waited until the actual
point release, based on how close the release was going to be after I
finished evaluating in testing/staging.

In general, for CentOS Linux 6 and before .. CR takes 3 or 4 days and
final release is usually 14 to 21 days.

For CentOS Linux 7 (because of more rebases to newer versions that are
much less conservative than EL6 and before) CR usually takes 10-14 days
and final point release 35 to 42 days.

So, the delta in both cases (from CR done to final point release) is 2
to 4 weeks after CR rpms are released.

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