[CentOS] [OT] Bash help

Wed Oct 25 16:45:58 UTC 2017
Bowie Bailey <Bowie_Bailey at BUC.com>

On 10/25/2017 12:41 PM, Mark Haney wrote:
> On 10/25/2017 12:33 PM, Robert Arkiletian wrote:
>> here is a python solution
>> #!/usr/bin/python
>> #python 2 (did not check if it works)
>> f=open('yourfilename')
>> D={}
>> for line in f:
>>      email,num = line.split()
>>      if email in D:
>>          D[email] = D[email] + num
>>      else:
>>          D[email] = num
>> f.close()
>> for key in D:
>>      print key, D[key]
>> _______________________________________________
> That gets me closer, I think.  It's concatenating the number of 
> messages, but it's a start. Thanks.

I do this kind of thing on a fairly regular basis with a Perl one-liner:

perl -ne '($email, $num) = split; $tot{$email} += $num; END { for $email 
(keys %tot) { print "$email $tot{$email}\n" } }' < yourfile
