There are seven fields on each line in a typical Linux "/etc/passwd" file. For a line that looks like this: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash 1. root: Account username. 2. x: Placeholder for password information. The password is obtained from the "/etc/shadow" file. 3. 0: User ID. Each user has a unique ID that identifies them on the system. The root user is always referenced by user ID 0. 4. 0: Group ID. Each group has a unique group ID. Each user has a "primary" group that is used as the group by default. Again, the root group's ID is always 0. 5. root: Comment field. This field can be used to describe the user or user's function. This can be anything from contact information for the user, to descriptions of the service the account was made for. 6. /root: Home directory. For regular users, this would usually be "/home/username". For root, this is "/root". 7. /bin/bash: User shell. This field contains the shell that will be spawned or the command that will be run when the user logs in. I would take a look at that user's line in /etc/passwd and see what their home directory is set to. Cameron On Fri, Oct 27, 2017 at 7:21 AM, hw <hw at> wrote: > Hi, > > I have the home directory of a user on an nfs server and mount it on a > client. When the user logs in, they end up in the root directory rather > than in their actual home directory and need to cd into it. > > The user can read and write to their home directory, so it kinda works > fine --- but only kinda. When the user starts emacs, some of the > settings in ~/.emacs are not applied, but the saved desktop is being > loaded. > > Both machines are running Centos 7.4. What could be wrong with the nfs > mount? > > > -- > "Didn't work" is an error. > _______________________________________________ > CentOS mailing list > CentOS at > >