[CentOS] yum security update issue

Tue Oct 10 13:19:55 UTC 2017
Thomas Roth <t.roth at gsi.de>

Hi all,

I have used http://cefs.steve-meier.de/  plus https://github.com/vmfarms/generate_updateinfo to insert 
some security-information into my os-updates - mirror.

This seems to work, but only partially.

On my 7.4 test server,
 > yum --security -v check-update
gives me dnsmasq, nss, nss-sysinit and nss-tools as the packages to install.

The nss-packages are all of "severity = Important"

But there are more of this type of packages, e.g. emacs. The centos-announce mails as well as the 
errata of Steve Meier as well as the generated updateinfo.xml all contain "CESA-2017:2771 Important 
CentOS 7 emacs Security Update"
Just like the mentioned nss-packages, emacs is also labeled "severity = Important". But yum doesn't 
like it ;-(

The output of
 > yum --security -v check-update
tells me more, of course:

--> 1:emacs-24.3-20.el7_4.x86_64 from os-updates excluded (updateinfo)

Neither dnsmasq nor the nss-packages are listed, in particular not as excluded -?

And at the end it says

 > Nothing matches emacs.x86_64 1:24.3-20.el7_4 from update

Btw, "yum info emacs" lists the installed and wanted emacs versions correctly.

What did I miss?
