[CentOS] yum update problem - dependancy problem

Tue Sep 26 15:37:30 UTC 2017
Gary Stainburn <gary at ringways.co.uk>

On Tuesday 26 September 2017 15:32:50 Leon Fauster wrote:
> Sorry to be pedantic, the symptom is fixed not the problem.
> To check which packages are from atrpms try this one:
> # rpm -qa --qf '%{NAME}-%{VENDOR}\n'  | grep -v CentOS
> It will list package name along with the corresponding repo tag.
> That list can then be used to plan a package migration.


There's nothing wrong with being pedantic, and thanks for the command. It was 
very useful. However, for the box that has the problem, it's not worth the 
time and effort involved in doing the correct fix.
