[CentOS] KeePassX replacement

Tom Longfield

tomlongfield at gmail.com
Sat Sep 16 10:55:53 UTC 2017

I have been using KeePassXC (though mostly on Debian) for quite a while now and 
am happy to report it works well.  Nothing springs to mind that annoys me and 
it's a decent drop in replacement. 

My setup sounds pretty similar to your own (also use keepass2android, though 
not KeePass on Windows).

I would be inclined to compile from source yourself rather than use an 
unofficial repo you have no reason to trust for such a sensitive application.

I'm not trying to besmirch the good name of copr.fedorainfracloud.org/bugzy but 
I've never heard of them and if you hadn't either that would give me pause for 
thought before I let their binaries at my passwords.

On Fri 15 Sep 2017 @ 21:43, H wrote:
>I have been using the KeePassX password manager on CentOS 6 and 7 for some time and it works pretty well. On my Windows machine I use KeePass which offers a number of features missing from KeePassX, I also sync the database between several machines, including Android units where I use keepass2android. Database compatibility is thus required.
>KeePassX, however, does not seem to be maintained any more, the last update was just a bit less than a year ago. It also has some annoying bugs, including where switching keyboards on the computer corrupts the username and the password if they include any character outside the ASCII range.
>There seems to be a community fork called KeePassXC and I would like to ask if anyone is using this password manager? It is not in EPEL, nor in any other standard repository, only through an unofficial repository at https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/bugzy/keepassxc/,
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Tom Longfield
e: tomlongfield at gmail.com | t: 07507916719
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