[CentOS] owncloud on CentOS - I have problems installing/updating recently

Wed Sep 20 16:18:42 UTC 2017
Valeri Galtsev <galtsev at kicp.uchicago.edu>

Dear Experts,

after quite some time of praising ownclowd, I started having problems with
installing and updating desktop owncloud-client on CentOS. Namely, yum
repository owncloud.org points to for rpm/yum based Linux distributions
lives on suse.com site (well, for all flavors of Linux, actually). I
remember it smelled fishy for me the first time I installed ownclouud on
CentOS using that repository living at suse.com. It worked, however, for
quite some time, but recently it just times out for me, even what
owncloud.org currently gives as yum.repo information (which has changed
from what was in the past).

Does anybody have any suggestion? Am I the only one (thus, making my
"pilot error"), or others have the same? Did someone find workaround?

Incidentally, another system - FreeBSD - I run on my laptop and
workstation, has no trouble with owncloudclient package. But I have to
give graduate students Linux, and prefer CentOS Linux, so I do need to
make it work even if I end up compiling it all the time myself (sigh, I
hope, not).

Thanks a lot in advance for all your help!


Valeri Galtsev
Sr System Administrator
Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics
University of Chicago
Phone: 773-702-4247