[CentOS] elrepo kmod-nvidia issue with update

Mon Apr 30 23:20:48 UTC 2018
Chuck Campbell <campbell at accelinc.com>

when I do yum update, elrepo offers kmod-nvifdia, but yum does this:

--> Processing Dependency: kernel(sme_me_mask) = 0x17fbce60 for package: 
--> Processing Dependency: kernel(reservation_object_add_excl_fence) = 
0xea98efc0 for package: kmod-nvidia-390.48-2.el7_5.elrepo.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: kernel(drm_vblank_init) = 0xdcd50a49 for 
package: kmod-nvidia-390.48-2.el7_5.elrepo.x86_64




repeatedly, then says:

  You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
  You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest

Is there a problem on my end or theirs?


ACCEL Services, Inc.| Specialists in Gravity, Magnetics |  (713)993-0671 ph.
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448 W. 19th St. #325|            Since 1992             |  (713)306-5794 cell
  Houston, TX, 77008 |          Chuck Campbell           | campbell at accelinc.com
                     |  President & Senior Geoscientist  |

      "Integration means more than having all the maps at the same scale!"