[CentOS] How do I actaully get the current sources from centos-git?

Tue Aug 21 21:23:43 UTC 2018
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

On 08/19/2018 09:39 AM, me at tdiehl.org wrote:
> Hi Johnny,
> On Wed, 15 Aug 2018 johnny at centos.org wrote:
>> The issue is specifically with the ability to push sources to
>> git.centos.org in the shadow cache.
>> I can't do that in the current setup, only Red Hat RCM can.  I can push
>> text into git, but not binary files to shadow cache.
>> The only package impacted is centos-release, because it is the only
>> package that we actually change the tarball and where I would need to
>> push to shadow cache.
>> If I push the spec changes, but not the shadow cache changes, it renders
>> centos-release not buildable.
>> We are working on an update whereby I will be able to push the changes
>> to git.centos.org .. when we get that in place, I will maintain
>> centos-release there like all the other packages.
>> In the mean time, we have a 'unified centos-release' here in git (for
>> all c7 arches):
>> https://github.com/CentOS/sig-core-AltArch/tree/master/centos-release
>> You will still need to download the SRPM to get the tarball.
> Thanks for the update.
> Will there be some kind of announcement when you are able to push to
> git.centos.org?

Yes.  I am not sure how quickly it will happen, but it is one of the
things that is 'on the list'

I'll post here once I can push binary sources

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