[CentOS] OpenLDAP support in future versions of CentOS

Tue Aug 28 19:31:26 UTC 2018
Warren Young <warren at etr-usa.com>

On Aug 28, 2018, at 9:51 AM, Alicia Smith <asmith at mozilla.com> wrote:
> Red Hat and Suse announced they are no longer supporting OpenLDAP in future
> releases.
> https://www.ostechnix.com/redhat-and-suse-announced-to-
> withdraw-support-for-openldap/

I only see a link to the SuSE announcement from that article.  The Red Hat links just talk about how 398 is preferred, but don’t actually say OpenLDAP is deprecated.  Is there a public Red Hat announcement of this somewhere?

I’ve searched the RHEL 7.4 and 7.5 release notes, and I don’t see anything about it being deprecated there.

We use the OpenLDAP libraries to talk to other LDAP implementations.  (We don’t use the OpenLDAP server itself.)  A skim of the docs at port389.org says they use the Mozilla LDAP API, but that library doesn’t appear to be in the CentOS 7 package repository:

    $ yum search ldap | grep devel
    openldap-devel.i686 : LDAP development libraries and header files
    openldap-devel.x86_64 : LDAP development libraries and header files

We’d like to get ahead of this and migrate, if that’s going to be forced on us by CentOS 8, but is there a better path than just building Mozilla’s LDAP client libraries from source?

Maybe CentOS 8 beta will appear sometime soon so I can start work on the migration within a development VM?