[CentOS] Set LANG on CentOS 6 server

Sat Feb 24 11:43:37 UTC 2018
Nicolas Kovacs <info at microlinux.fr>

Le 24/02/2018 à 10:33, Nicolas Kovacs a écrit :
> I replaced fr_FR.UTF8 in /etc/sysconfig/i18n and /boot/grub/grub.conf.
> Unfortunately, when I reboot the system, I still get this:
> # echo $LANG
> fr_FR.UTF-8
> Any suggestions?

OK, so after some more googling, I found out that when I ssh into my
server, LANG gets passed on from my desktop to my server. Interesting.

So I just added the LANG definition to ~/.bashrc on the server to solve
the problem.



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