[CentOS] Squid and HTTPS interception on CentOS 7 ?

Wed Feb 28 22:38:19 UTC 2018
Nicolas Kovacs <info at microlinux.fr>

Le 28/02/2018 à 22:32, Itamar Reis Peixoto a écrit :
> I recommend everyone in France to spend their money on a school with
> free internet.

I'm not sure I understand. Our students sure don't pay for accessing the

> please tell us the name of your school's.


> the https exist's because we want freedom and privacy on internet.

Indeed. Except we have to stick to the law (article 227-24 from the
French penal code) and provide filtered internet access so underage kids
don't watch porn, build bombs or join the Jihad. Like pretty much every
school, public library or administration in Western Europe.



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