[CentOS] Issues with NVidia video driver and CentOS

Thu Feb 8 15:10:13 UTC 2018
Felipe Westfields <felipe.westfields at gmail.com>

I copied the error message exactly as it was on the screen

On Thu, Feb 8, 2018 at 10:07 AM, John Hodrien <J.H.Hodrien at leeds.ac.uk>

> On Thu, 8 Feb 2018, Felipe Westfields wrote:
> I'm on a network that is disconnected from the internet; makes things kind
>> of awkward sometimes. We have some internal repositories that are supposed
>> to mirror centos, and EPEL - don't have one (that I'm aware of) that
>> mirrors elrepo.
>> But it looks like it's looking for just that one package; if that's all I
>> need to get these installed, then hopefully this can be wrapped up.
> Thing is, what you've posted makes no sense to me.
> that first one appears to have a dependency on "NVidia-x11-drv-304xx =
>>>> 304.135" and I can't find that package anywhere - I've checked CentOS
> In short, you're saying that
> nvidia-x11-drv-304xx-304.135-1.el6.elrepo.x86_64.rpm requires
> NVidia-x11-drv-304xx = 304.135
> I find this hard to believe, given you're really saying it requires itself.
> How about you don't summarise what you've done, but download again the
> files
> you think you need, and paste actual output when you get errors.
> jh
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