[CentOS] ARM64 CentOS AltArch release 7.5

Wed Jun 6 00:57:07 UTC 2018
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

On 06/05/2018 02:50 AM, Frederik Lotter wrote:


> Just some feedback from my side, so we have a smart NIC that allows a
> customer to select a distro going on the NIC itself (providing various
> custom offload flavors).
> https://www.netronome.com/products/agilio-fx/
> For the first wave, I generate custom images based on Ubuntu and CentOS, so
> I would love for these rootfs images to be released to some deterministic
> URL location so that I can generate images with a script. Something along
> the lines of what was done for 7.3 - the rootfs was available next to the
> ISO images, but no longer the case with 18.04 (
> http://mirror.centos.org/altarch/7/isos/aarch64/).

I will indeed put it back in the isos directory once we verify that it

If it does what you need, then let me know and I'll move it over to

> (We do eventually plan proper EFI boot support which will allow ISO support
> in some shape or form, but not right now).
> Thank you for all the effort in supporting the development community.

You're very welcome.

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