[CentOS] installing perl-CPAN without perl-local-lib

Pete Biggs pete at biggs.org.uk
Mon Jun 4 11:30:11 UTC 2018

> Any ideas on how I can get to do the simple task of installing these modules 
> system wide?

There's lots of info on it on the web. For the definitive answers look
long the local::lib pages on CPAN - basically there are environment
variables you can set to say where things are to be installed.

Also, I think when you first run CPAN one of the questions it asks is
where to install things - if you let CPAN configure itself it defaults
to a local install. You can re-run the CPAN initial config by doing 

  o conf init

at the CPAN prompt.  You may have to clean up your .bashrc as well.

This is probably the most useful link I found



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