[CentOS] Centos 7 (using iptables) removed firewalld

Fri Jun 1 13:32:15 UTC 2018
m.roth at 5-cent.us <m.roth at 5-cent.us>

Steve Frazier wrote:
>  Hello, 
> I hope that I can ask some questions on this mailing list about IPTables.
> I am more familiar with IPTABLES instead of FIREWALLD.  I disabled
> FIREWALLD and installed iptables-services.
> I have put together a script that I found on the web on how to set up a
> good set of IPTABLES rules to keep my server as secure as possible.
That's *extremely* hard to read, esp. given that the numbered commands
would fail, as they don't seem to be comments.

Could you run it, and then give us the o/p of iptables-save?
