[CentOS] Latest C6 kernel (2.6.32-696.30.1.el6) Panic on AMD processor on C7 KVM Host

Wed Jun 6 15:20:27 UTC 2018
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>


The above bug addresses  a kernel panic if you have a CentOS 7
KVM/QEMU/Libvirt host server running CentOS 6 VMs on an AMD processor

If you get this kernel panic:

PANIC: early exception 0d rip 10:ffffffff810462b6 error 0 cr2 0

The fix is to change the CentOS 6 VM CPU Type from Opteron_G5 (the default) to Opteron_G3.

This was impacting me starting C6 VMs on a C7 host, so I thought I would post the fix to the list.

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