[CentOS] Articles on OpenSSH and Personal Git

Mon Jun 11 23:14:10 UTC 2018
Alice Wonder <alice at domblogger.net>


Wrote a couple articles on OpenSSH and on running your Git server in a 
CentOS 7 environment




And the domain name is honest, there no trackers on that blog. None.

(that blog is actually for a WordPress project not ready for general use 
but it seemed like a good place for the articles too)


I am sure they aren't perfect, but they may be of assistance to some. 
Any blatant mistakes, I am not above correction.

Git article needs SELinux instructions added for web content served 
outside of /var/www/html and the public web git viewer I'm planning to 
fork to fix some issues I have it (I'll contribute patches back if they 
want them)

I still need to find a CI solution (alternate to Travis-CI) that works 
just from standard Git - e.g. a git hook when pushing commits or tagging 
a release that pings the CI solution causing it to do a standard git 
pull to run the build and unit tests.