[CentOS] CentOS Kernel Support

Thu Jun 14 17:03:37 UTC 2018
Valeri Galtsev <galtsev at kicp.uchicago.edu>

On 06/14/18 11:23, Stephen John Smoogen wrote:
> On 14 June 2018 at 12:16, Peter Kjellström <cap at nsc.liu.se> wrote:
>> On Thu, 14 Jun 2018 10:12:30 -0500
>> Valeri Galtsev <galtsev at kicp.uchicago.edu> wrote:
>>> On 06/14/18 10:00, Peter Kjellström wrote:
>>>> On Thu, 14 Jun 2018 16:26:27 +0200
>>>> Gianluca Cecchi <gianluca.cecchi at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> ...
>>>>>>> The src.rpm for that kernel is probably available somewhere.
>>>>>> I'm fairly certain you cannot download the SRPM for EUS kernels.
>>>>>> You might if you're a Red Hat customer paying for that product
>>>>>> (but don't take my word for it).
>>>> ...
>>>>> I agree for the format of release (SRPM), but in any case Red Hat
>>>>> should provide the sources for the changes, as the kernel is
>>>>> GPL-2.0 Then one can manually try to merge them in a patched
>>>>> kernel in some way... Gianluca
>>>> Redhat of course complies with the GPL and provide source to the
>>>> customers that get access to the binary packages. They are not
>>>> required to provide the sources to anyone else.
>>> GPL requires to provide source if everything derived from the
>>> original source to everybody, not only to customers. And RedHat was
>>> ever compliant with GPL. Kudos to RedHat! So, if there exist patched
>>> kernels of out of support life, they should be downloadable somewhere
>>> somehow.
>> No you are minunderstanding the GPL.
>> You are only required to provide source to those who got the binary
>> artifact(s). They then have the full GPL rights to further modify etc.
>> In many cases the binaries are distributed to everyone and then so is
>> the source. In other cases (such as RHEL) only source is provided to
>> everyone (but that is fine too).
>> Consider a simpler case: I make a copy of a existing GPL pkg. I modify
>> this and use it myself. I do not have to share my changes with anyone.
>> My copy is still GPL though..
>> ..so if I give a copy of the source to a friend it no longer matters
>> (to him/her) wether I made that source public before or not. They can
>> modify or not and make available publicly or not.
>> Had I sent my friend a binary copy he/she would have had the right to
>> require me to also hand over the source.
>> None of us would have any obligations to a 3rd party.
> To back up Peter on this, here are some relevant links from the FSF.
> https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#GPLRequireSourcePostedPublic

Yep, found it myself. I stand corrected.


> The GPL does not require you to release your modified version, or any
> part of it. You are free to make modifications and use them privately,
> without ever releasing them. This applies to organizations (including
> companies), too; an organization can make a modified version and use
> it internally without ever releasing it outside the organization.
> But if you release the modified version to the public in some way, the
> GPL requires you to make the modified source code available to the
> program's users, under the GPL.
> Thus, the GPL gives permission to release the modified program in
> certain ways, and not in other ways; but the decision of whether to
> release it is up to you.
> ====
> https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#DevelopChangesUnderNDA
> Does the GPL allow me to develop a modified version under a
> nondisclosure agreement? (#DevelopChangesUnderNDA)
> Yes. For instance, you can accept a contract to develop changes and
> agree not to release your changes until the client says ok. This is
> permitted because in this case no GPL-covered code is being
> distributed under an NDA.
> You can also release your changes to the client under the GPL, but
> agree not to release them to anyone else unless the client says ok. In
> this case, too, no GPL-covered code is being distributed under an NDA,
> or under any additional restrictions.
> The GPL would give the client the right to redistribute your version.
> In this scenario, the client will probably choose not to exercise that
> right, but does have the right.
> ====
> There are other questions in the FAQ which also cover this.
>> /Peter
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Valeri Galtsev
Sr System Administrator
Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics
University of Chicago
Phone: 773-702-4247