On Tue, Mar 06, 2018 at 09:55:19AM -0600, Valeri Galtsev wrote: > > > On 03/06/18 09:34, Fred Smith wrote: > >On Tue, Mar 06, 2018 at 04:12:58PM +0100, Fabian Arrotin wrote: > >>On 05/03/18 19:53, Fred Smith wrote: > >>>Hi all! > >>> > >>>I've finally been reduced to having to install Skype on my Linux box. > >>>I resisted for years, but now ended up trying it. > >>> > >>>and while the latest RPM installs just fine, it refuses to acknowledge > >>>that I have a microphone! > >>> > >>>In fact I have two: 1 in the USB web cam (it finds the cam), the second > >>>in a Plantronics USB headset, which works fine but not with skype. > >>>it is as if it doesn't exist. > >>> > >>>So, when I connect to someone I can hear them, see them, and they can > >>>see me, but I'm producing no sound output. > >>> > >>>All the web hits I can find for nonfunctional microphone on the web > >>>are for Ubuntu. GAH! > >>> > >>>running ldd against the skypeforlinux binary results in a huge list > >>>of shared libraries, including libasound (which is what the ubuntu > >>>messages say is missing). > >>> > >>>Anybody got a clue? > >>> > >>>Thanks in advance! > >>> > >>>Fred > >>> > >> > >>I'm not a skype user myself, so haven't tried it, but as there are many > >>apps that are in FlatHub, and so directly accessible for CentOs 7 (that > >>comes with flatpak since 7.4.1708) > >> > >>Have you tried with that one ? > > > >No, but wouldn't it be the same binaries as MS distributes? (which is > >what I have). > > > >I posted a reply to my own message in which I noted that I had later > >discovered that it works fine with my old analog mic/headset, but > >the USB one may as well not be attached, as Skype acts as if it is > >not even there. > > Does USB microphone work with other applications? yes, it works with everything I've tried, but for skype for linux. > > > > >Weird-but-frustrating, because my USB webcam works, but skype refuses to > >use the mic that is built into the webcam (as well as pretending that > >the usb headset doesn't exist). so it appears that skype is ignorant > >of USB audio devices. Not sure why that would be, since such things are > >"just another" audio device. > > -- ---- Fred Smith -- fredex at fcshome.stoneham.ma.us ----------------------------- The Lord is like a strong tower. Those who do what is right can run to him for safety. --------------------------- Proverbs 18:10 (niv) -----------------------------