[CentOS] evince

Tue Mar 6 15:42:10 UTC 2018
hw <hw at gc-24.de>

ken wrote:
> On 03/03/2018 11:31 AM, hw wrote:
>>> Is there better source to look for answers than these two:
>> What kind of answers are you looking for?
>> Perhaps installing a missing font solves the problem with evince.
>> You could try mupdf, xpdf and qpdfview to see if one of them can
>> display the PDFs you have.  Unfortunately, none of them are included
>> in Centos.  That leaves gimp --- can it import the PDFs?
> Yes, GIMP will read PDFs, but it splits them into separate images.  That isn't a major problem if you're simply reading the doc, but if you edit it, you'll need something like pdftk to put the separate pages back together.

This would be for a test to see if the problem is with evince or with other
programs as well.

> For reading PDFs I've had consistently good results with okular.
> For "missing font" errors I've found generally that installing the missing font resolves the issue.  Run "yum search font" to chase down that possibility.
> hth.
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