[CentOS] Latest updated scap-security-guide signed with wrong GPG key

Sun May 20 13:26:48 UTC 2018
cwlists <cwlists at gmail.com>


Today I tried to update my CentOS 7.5 with latest updates, but it fails to
verify the signature of one of the packages:

scap-security-guide                    noarch  0.1.36-9.el7.centos

It seems like this RPM was signed with AltArch PowerPC key (see further

Header V3 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID f533f4fa: NOKEY
Retrieving key from file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-7

The GPG keys listed for the "CentOS-7 - Updates" repository are already
installed but they are not correct for this package.
Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository.

 Failing package is: scap-security-guide-0.1.36-9.el7.centos.noarch
 GPG Keys are configured as: file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-7

>From https://www.centos.org/keys/
PowerPC Key

download key

pub  2048R/F533F4FA 2015-11-27 CentOS AltArch SIG - PowerPC
<security at centos.org>
        Key fingerprint = BAFA 3436 FC50 768E 3C3C  2E4E A963 BBDB F533 F4FA