[CentOS] CentOS 7 package not present in Red Hat EL 7 - qt-assistant

Wed Nov 28 00:24:53 UTC 2018
Akemi Yagi <amyagi at gmail.com>

On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 5:47 AM Toralf Lund <toralf.lund at pgs.com> wrote:
> I'm using CentOS 7 for development of software that is sometimes used on
> Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. I conjunction with an update of one of the
> applications, I asked some Red Hat users to install the Qt 4 Assistant
> application via the qt-assistant package (which is used by a "help"
> function in our software.) It seemed like there was no such package in
> the Red Hat package set, however, and I also see no mention of it in
> "package manifests" like
> https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/7/html/package_manifest/chap-base-workstation-variant.
> Yet I can install the package from the "base" repository on my CentOS
> machine.
> Questions: Isn't CentOS base supposed to contain exactly the same
> packages as Red Hat Enterprise, except in some special cases that relate
> to distribution information, installation sources etc.? Does anyone know
> what's going on with the specific package I mention above?
> - Toralf

The qt-assistant package is available in RHEL-7:

$ sudo yum list qt-assistant

qt-assistant.x86_64   1:4.8.7-2.el7    rhel-7-server-optional-rpms
