[CentOS] "WARNING: fdisk GPT support is currently new"

Sun Oct 7 16:30:19 UTC 2018
Yan Li <elliot.li.tech at gmail.com>

On 10/07/2018 03:09 AM, Nicolas Kovacs wrote:
> use this to handle GTP partitioning. But I'm curious. How "experimental"
> (e. g. prone to blow up in my face) is fdisk really? So far, I've only
> used it for MBR-style partitioning.

I always use fdisk for CentOS 7 and do manual partitioning, because I 
align all partition at 4 MiB (in order to align them to SSD/NVMe's erase 
block size). All my CentOS machines have GPT. Haven't seen any issues so 

Not trying to prove anything. That's just my personal experience.

Yan Li